Thursday 20 June 2013


This week I've been eating like crazy and it shows! I really have to go back in to my better habits and get out of the house more.

  I've been doing all this social networking hoohah for my freelance makeup, what's a girl gotta do to get a like or a follow its like getting blood from a stone. I'm blaming my snacking on this and that's final!

I've so been wanting to start my YouTube channel for ages now but Rico is exhausting I never have a moment! He just started crawling and I never find him where I left him either; I'm sure there's some kind of baby equipment solution to this. 

Since Rico is on the go nonstop and I'm   busy with things I've been eating foods like cheese quesadillas, crisps, cereal bars and pizza. Not good at all but recognise a behaviour that is counterproductive and change it, eating pizza is definitely not the actions of a woman trying to lose weight.

So anyway it's a fresh week next week and hopefully I can report back with better news. IMATS is Saturday and words cannot describe how excited I am!


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