Thursday 20 June 2013


This week I've been eating like crazy and it shows! I really have to go back in to my better habits and get out of the house more.

  I've been doing all this social networking hoohah for my freelance makeup, what's a girl gotta do to get a like or a follow its like getting blood from a stone. I'm blaming my snacking on this and that's final!

I've so been wanting to start my YouTube channel for ages now but Rico is exhausting I never have a moment! He just started crawling and I never find him where I left him either; I'm sure there's some kind of baby equipment solution to this. 

Since Rico is on the go nonstop and I'm   busy with things I've been eating foods like cheese quesadillas, crisps, cereal bars and pizza. Not good at all but recognise a behaviour that is counterproductive and change it, eating pizza is definitely not the actions of a woman trying to lose weight.

So anyway it's a fresh week next week and hopefully I can report back with better news. IMATS is Saturday and words cannot describe how excited I am!


Sunday 16 June 2013

A long overdue weigh in

I have to say that the past few months have been hectic so the dieting has taken a back seat food is a huge part of my family life and we use it to celebrate absolutely everything and there has been a lot to celebrate! (Good thing though right?) Jason's birthday, my moms wedding, Father's Day my brother visiting from America and my grandmas first time meeting Rico etc all spells out FOOD.

My son is 6 months and 2 weeks now so he is eating solids but still having his breast milk. I think having him feed is a life saver when I've had a bad eating day the 300/400 calories it takes off is just the ticket when I can't say no to a chocolate bar.... and a brownie .... oh followed by a piece of chocolate Caramel cake with double cream. You get the picture.

so since I last weighed in I am 11 stone 4 pounds so a loss of 4 more pounds. People don't joke when they say it took 9 months to gain so it will take 9 to lose, the more time goes by the happier I am with my stretch marks and new "mummy body" I adore my son so much I regret nothing.

I think after I lose another stone and a half I will stop and just be grateful I can fit through the seating at Starbucks without my ass knocking over everyone's soya lattes and laptop computers.

I wish I could go to myself 6 months ago and say things will get smaller and tighter in the tummy region, because looking at my body after i had him was the biggest confidence killer and upset me quite a lot but I do admit I have always made a point to enjoy my time with Rico no matter what. So I don't ever have regrets about being to hung up on myself I forget the whole point of my body changing in the first place. Things do get better!.

I didn't look like a cow in a dress at my moms wedding either I think I actually looked pretty good. YAY.